Тема мероприятия: «Our little brothers».
Цели и задачи: 1.развивать коммуникативные универсальные учебные действия учащихся .
2. отработать и закрепить в речи учащихся изученный лексический материал.
3. практиковать учащихся в аудировании.
4. прививать ученикам любовь к природе, животным, экологии.
5. учить бережному отношению к окружающей среде и природе.
Оборудование: проектор, презентация в Power Point,плакаты, игрушки животных, маски, магнитофон, кассета.
Ход мероприятия.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Dear guests! Today we have a meeting with English! Every our meeting we start from the motto and I want you to read it all together.
Let us sing
And walk together,
Let us read
And work together,
Let’s make friends! (учащиеся читают девиз вместе хором).
Teacher : Now look at the screen and name the theme of our lesson.(на экране –разные животные). You are right: we’ll speak about animals and birds. What animals do you know? ( дети называют различных животных: диких и домашних).
Teacher: It’s impossible to name all the animals. As you know, we can meet them everywhere: in the forests, in the yards, in the fields, in the houses, in the seas and in the mountains. We can divide all the animals into two big groups. What are they?
Children: Domestic and wild.
Teacher : Children, your task is to divide animals into two groups .(учащиеся распределяют рисунки животных).
Teacher: Well done, kids. We can’t live without our little brothers. I’m sure, you are ready to recite the poems about animals. (учащиеся декламируют стихи о животных на русском и английском языках).
Teacher: Thank you, boys and girls. I think it’s time to sing a song. Animals are very clever and they can do different things. Let’s sing all together. (исполняется песня ).
A pupil: На подворье нашем Овцы и барашек.
Хрюша с поросёнком
И коза с козлёнком.
Добрый пёс Трезорка
И корова Зорька.
Гуси и гусята,
Куры и цыплята…
Teacher : Animals have their own families and babies. What do the babies say?
Pupil 1: The hen has a chicken.
What does it say?
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep!
All through the day.
Pupil 2 : The duck has a duckling.
What does it say?
Quack, quack, quack, quack!
All through the day.
Pupil 3 : The sheep has a lambkin.
What does it say?
Baa, baa, baa, baa!
All through the day.
Pupil 4 : The pig has a piglet.
What does it say?
Squeal, squeal, squeal, squeal!
All through the day?
Pupil 5 : The cat has a kitten.
What does it say?
Mew ,mew, mew, mew!
All through the day.
Pupil 6 : The dog has a puppy.
What does it say?
Bow ,wow, bow, wow !
All through the day.
Pupil 7 : The snail has a baby.
What does it say?
It doesn’t say anything.
All through the day.
Teacher : Thank you, children. Now it’s time to sing a song.(учащиеся поют и показывают игрушки тех животных, о которых поётся в песне).
Teacher : Well done, kids. As far as I know, some of you have animals at home. And we are ready to listen to your stories. (учащиеся рассказывают о своих домашних питомцах).
Teacher : Children, I have prepared some riddles for you. Read and try to guess what animal it is.
I am green. I am long. I live in Africa. I can’t fly and run. I can swim. What am I ? (a crocodile).
I am red. I live in the forest. I can run and jump. I like hens and cocks. What am I? ( a fox).
I am grey. I live in the house. I can run, jump and climb. I like milk. What am I? ( a cat).
Teacher : People live with animals for many years and they want to understand each other. Can animals think? DR. Blair has spent many years with them. He works at the New York zoo. He says that animals can think, act and feel like people. As Dr. Blair says the animals are intelligent and the 10 most intelligent animals you can see in this list.(список десяти животных). Сhildren, read and remember all of them.
Teacher : Животные всегда служили людям, помогали делать великие открытия, совершать героические поступки, являлись надёжной опорой в годы испытаний, служили людям верой и правдой. И во многих странах люди не забыли об этом, они поставили памятники животным в знак благодарности.
Teacher : Now, boys and girls, the task for you is : listen to the story and answer the question: where and what animals are there monuments? (ученики слушают текст).
There is a monument to a dog in a small town near St.Petersburg and in Paris. There are two monuments to the frog: one is in Paris and the other is in Tokyo. There are two monuments to the horses in Moscow. Holland built a statue to a cow, because the cows give milk and meat. In New Zealand there is a monument to a dolphin. In Germany there is a monument to the last wolf. There is a monument to the weevils.(учащиеся отвечают на вопросы).
Teacher : Well done, children. And at the end of our meeting I want you to listen to the song “Old Macdonald had a farm”. (ученики, прослушав песню, должны назвать тех животных, о которых поётся в песне ).
Teacher :Thank you, kids.