Phrasal verb HAND

Phrasal Verb HAND

Phrasal Verb


back in hand out over






to hand in to hand in something to somebody - сдать что-то кому-либо example: The students handed in their homework.

to hand in

to hand in something to somebody — сдать что-то кому-либо


The students handed in their homework.

to hand back to hand something back to somebody – вернуть что-то кому-то  example: The teacher handed back the tests.

to hand back

to hand something back to somebody вернуть

что-то кому-то


The teacher handed back the tests.

to hand out to hand out something (to hand something out) – раздать что-то example : He hands out sweets every day.

to hand out

to hand out something (to hand something out) – раздать что-то

example :

He hands out sweets every day.

to hand over to hand something over to somebody- передать что-то кому-либо example: He will hand over his business to his son.

to hand over

to hand something over to somebody- передать что-то кому-либо


He will hand over his business to his son.

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